Ray Neu

Ray NeuRev. Ray Neu has served the Lord for over 30 years. 18 years in youth ministry, both at local churches and as Campus Life Director at Youth For Christ, in Columbus Ohio. He was also outreach/missions pastor in Cape May, New Jersey for 5 years. As Creator & President of Actual Reality, Ray was used by the Lord to lead a multi-faceted team to develop the first CD-Rom for Christians, featuring 26 Christian music artists.  Multimedia development continued as Director of Research and Development for Antioch Interactive, producers of “The Tabernacle” and “Solomon’s Temple.” Ray currently serves as the Global Oral Learning Coordinator for the Church of the Nazarene.

He and his wife, Becki, share an intense love for missions, leading teams to 24 countries on 40 different trips. The last 5 years Ray has served as a missionary professor training pastors in Belize, Central America. A Bible teacher at heart, Ray is always searching for the best tools to effectively transfer God’s Word into hearts and souls.

Bible Story Telling has become his favorite way to communicate the transforming messages of God’s Word. Passionate about the effective empowerment of others has led to his latest development: The LEADERS AUDIO BIBLE©, a Bible story based pastoral training course designed for those who prefer to learn by active participatory story telling.

Ray is seeking translators to aid in expanding this tool to a wider global audience. He can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..