Thanks for confirming the invitation for your devotional series!

If you are taking this study with another individual, remind your friend to click on the confirmation link in the "Welcome" email. The first devotional will come the day after both of you have confirmed your participation. Be aware that some email systems may filter the message and place it in your “Junk Mail” or “Spam” folder.

If you are taking this study on your own, you should receive your first daily study within 24 hours.


The Discipleship Place
Sunday School & Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI)

We congratulate you on being intentional about carving out a few minutes of each day to think about Christ and how walking with Him impacts our relationships! Hopefully you have invited someone to join you on this devotional journey and if not, prayerfully consider someone you trust that you can talk with about spiritual issues. We need others in our lives to encourage us and challenge us to be more like Christ!

You will soon be receiving a confirmation e-mail. If you invited someone to join you, they will also receive the confirmation e-mail. Once you (and the person you invited) have confirmed this invitation, you can expect to receive the first devotional in your e-mail inbox the following day. Some e-mail programs may filter the devotional and place it in a “Spam” or “Junk Mail” folder, so be sure to check there if the devotional is not in your inbox.

You are a chosen spiritual mentor for the next 31 days. Your selection as mentor is a divine privilege with profound implications for your friend's spiritual development. In many ways you are modeling the character of Jesus to them. I know you will honor this privilege with faithful and prayerful effort. Remember that your effort is not contingent upon superior knowledge of the Bible or the ability to answer the questions you may be asked; it rests upon your constant dependency upon God and His ever-present Holy Spirit. Rest in Him and He will provide what you need to be the discipler/mentor that your friend needs to grow in Christ.

For the next 31 days you will receive the same devotional as your disciple. Please read it and be aware of the spiritual journey the devotional series is taking them on.

During the first few weeks stay close to your disciple through personal contacts. This is the time when a new Christian is often tempted to jettison their faith because of temptation and fear. Stay close and help them know you are their partner in this time of life adjustment. Use every means available: texting, email, phone calls, etc. to stay in contact; reminding them that you are supporting them in prayer.

It is crucial you meet with your new disciple personally once a week. These meetings will give opportunity to respond to their questions about what they are reading and feeling and about decisions they are making. Acknowledge God’s presence by beginning and ending each meeting in prayer. As much as possible use the devotional topics discussed in the previous week as an outline for your discussion. Listen for evidence of any personal struggle they may be having as a result of their new journey with Christ. Give those struggles special attention in your closing prayer. Overall, be encouraging and optimistic about God’s involvement in their lives. Give scriptural support where appropriate. There will be times of discouragement. At those times it is very helpful to remember how patient and compassionate God was with you when you were growing as a new Christian. God is the eternal optimist about the power of grace. Be His distribution agent.

One wise Christian said, “Discipleship is not rocket science.” And it is not. Jesus did not choose the intellectual giants of His day to be His disciples. He chose people like you and me who have walked in His presence long enough to show someone else the way. Those words are good news to anyone who feels inadequate for the task of discipling another person. As you help disciple your friend stay close to God and you will find this 31 day journey to be one of the most blessed and precious times of your life.

We want to congratulate you on taking a step forward in your walk with Jesus and it excites us to know you’re taking this 31-day journey with a trusted friend! Whether you’re a new believer or a mentor we are confident the next 31 days of devotionals will draw you closer to Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that you will have the opportunity to get to know one another in ways that will resemble the relationship Jesus had with His disciples. As you allow the Holy Spirit to begin a transformational work, we hope you will take time to acknowledge and celebrate the transformation you see taking place in one another’s lives.

You will soon be receiving a confirmation e-mail. If you invite someone to join you, they will also receive the confirmation e-mail. Once you (and the person you invited) have confirmed this invitation, you can expect to receive the first devotional in your e-mail inbox the following day. Some e-mail programs may filter the devotional and place it in a “Spam” or “Junk Mail” folder, so be sure to check there if the devotional is not in your inbox.

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